Friday, March 16, 2012

new site

look sorry for the inconvenience but we making a new site with the same thing only cause this site limits our abilities to change the site the way we want it so here's the url for the new site so thanks.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Godfather: five families

This is some info on the new online game The Godfather: five families:


It’s 1935: ten years before the events of The Godfather film. New York’s Five Families are engaged in an all-out war for supremacy. The war is heating up and smaller gangs are under pressure to join one of the Families . . . or die. Your father’s brutal injury leaves him unable to lead your family – leaving it up to you. You must take charge and keep your family’s criminal organization alive.
Join one of the Five Families: put together a crew of deadly, street tested wiseguys. Rise through the ranks and build your own criminal empire, one bloody brick at a time. It takes ruthless cunning to survive on these bullet riddled streets. Intimidate and collect from your neighbors. “Go to the mattresses” with better weapons, skills, and equipment. Crush your rivals, and, above all, protect the Family.
Only one player in a Family will have what it takes to become its Don . . . the Godfather. Is it you?


Don: Vito Corleone

The Corleone family is arguably the most respected and feared among the Five Families. Vito Corleone, serving as Don, has well been known as a man of honor, respect, and ruthlessness. The Family was founded in blood: in 1920, Vito Corleone assassinated Don Fanucci, seized his properties, and founded the Genco Olive Company as the base of criminal operations. From then on, Vito began his campaign to seize power, crushing all resistance along the way. By 1933, Vito prevailed against the Maranzano family in the Olive Oil War. He then went about starting the Pacification War, to wipe out or absorb every opposing Black Hand operation in the city. In Vito’s eyes, winning this war would finally allow for peace to exist between the Five Families.


Don: Anthony Stracci

The Stracci family controlled the New Jersey area and the shipping on the West Side docks of Manhattan. They ran the gambling in New Jersey and were very strong with the Democratic political machine. They had a fleet of freight-hauling trucks that made them a fortune primarily because their trucks could travel with a heavy overload and not be stopped and fined by highway weight inspectors. These trucks helped ruin the highways and then his road-building firm, with lucrative state contracts, repaired the damage wrought. It was the kind of operation that would warm any man’s heart, business of itself creating more business. Anthony Stracci, too, was old-fashioned and never dealt in prostitution, but because his business was on the waterfront it was impossible for him not to be involved in the drug-smuggling traffic. Of the five New York Families opposing the Corleones, his was the least powerful but the most well-disposed.


Don: Otillio Cuneo

The Cuneos controlled upper New York State, arranged smuggling of Italian immigrants from Canada, controlled all upstate gambling and exercised veto power on state licensing of racing tracks. Ottilio Cuneo was a completely disarming man with the face of a jolly round peasant baker, whose legitimate activity was one of the big milk companies. Cuneo was one of those men who loved children and carried a pocketful of sweets in the hopes of being able to pleasure one of his many grandchildren or the small offspring of his associates. He wore a round fedora with the brim turned down all the way round like a woman’s sun hat, which broadened his already moon-shaped face into the very mask of joviality. He was one of the few Dons who had never been arrested and whose true activities had never even been suspected. So much so that he had been voted as “Businessman of the Year for the State of New York” by the Chamber of Commerce.


Don: Emilio Barzini

Emilio Barzini was the closest ally to the Tattaglia Family. His hand was in every unlawful pie – narcotics, sports betting, prostitution, strong arming – and this hand stretched far. In New York it was Brooklyn to Queens to Staten Island. But it didn’t stop there. His interests reached as far as Las Vegas, Reno, Miami, Cuba, and even Sicily. He had supported the Tattaglia Family with money and influence since the start of the war. It was his ambition to supplant Don Corleone as the most powerful and respected Mafia leader in the country and to take over part of the Corleone empire. He was a man much like Don Corleone, but more modern, more sophisticated, more businesslike. Barzini had the confidence of the newer, younger, brasher leaders on their way up. He was a man of great personal force in a cold way, with none of Don Corleone’s warmth. He was known by some to be the most “respected” man in the group.


Don: Phillip Tattaglia

Phillip Tattaglia was held in a slight contempt by the others. For one thing, Tattaglia had given too much rein to Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo. While the Turk was ruthless and controlling, Tattaglia himself was a sixty-year-old dandy and woman chaser. And he had ample opportunity to indulge his weakness. For the Tattaglia Family dealt in women – its main business was prostitution. The family business was not the easiest. The girls were lazy and unstable, running off, finding lives of their own. The pimps were treacherous and dishonest and without a shred of loyalty. Young Sicilian blooded men turned up their noses at such work. (They considered it beneath their honor to traffic and abuse women.) Despite this, Tattaglia’s business thrived and even found a way into nightclubs all across the U.S. Through Sollozzo and others, Tattaglia had a way of “convincing” the best singers, musicians, and record labels to work for him.


This is us again telling you all about the games we will be putting on our website that you all can play but before we do that you guys have to tell us what games you want on our website so on our comments page you guys tell us want you want and we will try to load it up on our website and thanks for sticking with us.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Our own Flash Game and Cartoons

Our next idea is that we will try to make our own cartoon. Our cartoon is going to have famous video game characters like Sonic, Mario, Masterchief, Solid Snake, and more. We will make commedy and action with the cartoons. We will have episodes for every new cartoon we make. We will try to make more cartoons that will make more of you guys to come to view us more.
We will also make our own  flash game. We have some ideas that you will like and get more of you to play it and love it. We will try to make it avaliable on other sites like armorgames or facebook. If you want follow our on his facebook page search Gamestation 2012. See you all later.

More Videos

We are making some videos called commentaries. We will comment on our main games and tell you guys different strategies. We will also have vidoes of games that you guys tell what games we should play and comment on also. We will also have types reviews also, its basicly a review you read. The reason why I want to play games that you guys tell us because I just don't want to be serious and have no fun. But even for my strategies we will have fun. On our regular commentaries we will have the question of the day, it can be different every time.

Cheats for you guys

The next thing we our trying out is cheats. Yes we know cheat codes, but it for you guys to have more fun in your gaming. Don't worry we will give you the right stuff and not make fools of ourselves.Our cheats will come from books in our so called research. We will try to give all the best game cheats possible like GTAIV. The many cheats we have we will have more of you guys viewing our blogg. Don;t worry we will have more games with more cheats and of course more fun. Until then I hope you like our blogg.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Crazy News

The next thing is crazy news. Crazy news is about news we look up and post on our blog.Sometimes the news will be awkward, crazy, dangerous, disgusting, and of course funny.We will put a discription where we found this news from and they can access it and read more.When you read it you can post your comments on what you think of it. Our psychotic news will bring more of you guys to our site for many reasons. The news will also bring more people and we want you all to tell your friends about our website to get more people knowing about us and we can also sell XBOX live cards and PSN cards. I also want to make sure that we will stay in touch with you guys like give you our face book page,twitter page, XBOX live and PSN acounts also so we can stay with you guys at all times.

Game videos

The next thing that we will do is that we will be making our own videos. Our videos our going to be about reviews directly from playing the games. We will play the game. We will use an HDPVR to record our voices and our gameplay. Whatever game system we have we will do a reveiw on  the games we have and other games we have in  the future. We are not just doing gameplays we are also going to view ourselves talking into the camera. While the camera is looking at me, we talk about the games that we will do a commentary  in the future.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The next thing that we are going on the blog is something that i was just talking about but only there going to be on video were going to show you how to play. Like for an example we are going to tell you what keys to play the game, like the W key means to jump the S key means to duck, A means to run left, D means run right. Then on the videos we are going to tell you the cheats codes. Like one of the cheats codes from  Kelmy. Then go to the cheats page to check them out. So we will see you all next time.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Coming to you

   This blog is going to be about giving you all reviews of the games with Kelmy, Jamari, and myself. Our plan is to give you the best games and the worst games in rating wise. When we post the games and what we think about them, you all can reply to us and give us your thoughts on it as well, or reply to what you say.
   The game systems we are reviewing on is PS3, X-BOX, and PC. Our gaming news will talk about future games and future game systems. We will also talk about what we think about the new game systems and there add on features like the kinect, the PS move, and PS3 visual gaming.
   We are also giving you guys some free cheat codes for you crazy gamers to have some fun with your games. If you are having some trouble with your games check out our blogs and bam there you go a bunch of cheats just like that. If you want crappy games just check out that game Jumper: Griffens Story, and if you like comedy we've got it for you. Well we will catch you all later.